The printmaking process implies carving a block, inking it and pressing it onto paper to reveal its design. Discover it step by step in pictures.
Linoprinting is a form of relief printing: what must stay white (or reveal the color of the printing paper) is carved away with a tool called 'gouge'.
The printed design appears in reverse and the block can be compared to a stamp.
Thus the printmaker sees the world upside down!
A project, step by step
The initial en plein air sketch, the transfer of the design on lino (in reverse), carving, the carved block, cutting paper to size, inking, prints drying after being printed, the prints.
More information on our digital programming during the European Artistic Crafts Days here. Today we propose you discover Anne’s craft, the art enameling on copper 2021 - Find Anne and Mizanne online :
Anne de la Forge :
Mizanne céramiste :