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I joined a course of mixed media led by Jérome Bouscarat in March 2020. I was inspired by a very moving poem Fragile, by Laetitia Sioen. Laetia is very kind and allows me to share this work here. You can read this very beautiful poem on Poetica here.
This concertina book 15 x 15 cm. It is made of three double pages.
Cover: encaustic paint, pigment and transfer.
Page 1: linocut print
Page 2: drypoint etchning on rhenalon
Page 3 and 4: monoprint
Page 5: drypoint on rhenalon
Page 6: linocut print
Back cover: linocutprint and tempera
En mars 2020 j'ai participé à un atelier mix-media animé par Jérôme Bouscarat. J'ai été inspirée par l'émouvant poème Fragile de Laetitia Sioen. Laetitia a gentiment accepté que je partage ce travail ici.
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