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The art of printmaking, a pleasure for the eye and for the touch

Updated: Aug 4

A print is to be admired. Do you know that printmaking is also a joy for the other senses ?

Usually during the open studios as a visitor, you take the lino into your hands to feel its flexibility, its softness or roughness. Some of you smell it and manage to perceive linseed oil, one of its ingredients. I never fail to invite you to touch the paper I chose to print. I try to share my enthusiasm by all the options from which to chose.

Anne de la Forge contemporary art enameler has invited Mizanne, ceramist and I to share her beautiful studio on the occasion of the European Artistic Crafts Days. Since France recently entered its third lockdown, the open studios are held online this year. On this 2021 edition, the theme is “materials at work”. How to live this experience online ?

In this post I am going to share some pictures of printing materials. I hope we will eventually meet offline and make the experience. Do not hesitate to comment and share your observations as well as asking questions!

The blocks : different kinds of linos and woods...

There is a wide choice of carving materials. Wood is the most traditional. I sometimes carve Japanese plywood, very even and easy to carve. It is also possible to carve solid wood, much harder.

For relief printing, the material I use, linoleum was created as a floor covering and was invented in England around 1870 by Frederick Walton. It was used for printmaking as early as at the beginning of the XXth century. This is a very natural material made of cork, linseed oil, gums and resins, compressed on jute fabric. I tested different types of linos and my favourite one is the grey one. It is easy to carve and is flexible (at least when it is not too cold).

Some blocks are now made of vinyl and are soft and easy to use with children…

Grey, brown white lino and Japanese plywood

The printmaking papers

There is an infinite variety of papers. They range from the finest to the thickest and they are to be selected according to the chosen projects and carving and printing techniques… Here are the papers I am using the most (at the moment):

  • the easiest to make cards, Unica by Fabriano white or cream, 250 g by square meter, perfectly opaque,

  • The most magical, so lightweight though so strong, made of Kozo fiber. The one I use is made in Korea and only weighs 20g by square meter. It is a translucent veil which is virtually invisible if stuck on a canvas for example.

  • The most elegant, the white Tosa washi from Japan, translucent and with its thread showing through

  • The shiniest and the most fascinating, Tosa shi 54 grams by square meter, a par mètre carré, one rough side and one side coated and shiny, slightly transparent and soft…

I will show in a later post the blocks and papers used for dry point etching and hope you will follow me on this journey!

Fabriano Unica white and cream et crème ; Tosa shi (left) ; Kozo (right) - Tosa washi

More information on our digital programming during the European Artistic Crafts Days here. Today we propose you discover Anne’s craft, the art enameling on copper 2021 - Find Anne and Mizanne online :



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